Often search and replace is needed in multiple files. This tip uses the procedures from run a command in multiple buffers to show how a substitute may be executed multiple times using :argdo
(all files in argument list), or :bufdo
(all buffers), or :tabdo
(all tabs), or :windo
(all windows in the current tab).
All buffersEdit
The following performs a search and replace in all buffers (all those listed with the :ls
:bufdo %s/pattern/replace/ge | update
Apply the following commands to all buffers. |
Search and replace all lines in the buffer. |
Search pattern. |
Replacement text. |
Change all occurrences in each line (global). |
No error if the pattern is not found. |
Separator between commands. |
Save (write file only if changes were made). |
The command above uses :update
to save each buffer, if it was changed. That is necessary because, by default, Vim will not switch away from a buffer if it has been changed.
One alternative is to set the 'autowriteall'
option so changed buffers are automatically saved when required:
:set autowriteall :bufdo %s/pattern/replace/ge
Another alternative is to set the 'hidden'
option so buffers do not need to be saved, then use :wa
to save all changes (only changed buffers are written):
:set hidden :bufdo %s/pattern/replace/ge :wa
All windowsEdit
If you are not dealing with a lot of files, it can be useful to display each wanted file in its own window, then operate on each window. For example, after opening multiple files with a shell command like gvim *.c
, you could choose which files you wanted to operate on like this:
Split screen to show all buffers (one window per buffer). |
… | Move to a window you do not want to change. |
Close the window (press Ctrl-W then c ).
Or, move the window to a new tab page, then switch back to the original tab. |
… | Repeat until only buffers you want to change are displayed in the current tab page. |
:windo %s/pattern/replace/ge
Search and replace in all visible windows. |
Save all changes. |
All files in a treeEdit
Suppose all *.cpp and *.h files in the current directory need to be changed (not subdirectories). One approach is to use the argument list (arglist):
:arg *.cpp
All *.cpp files in current directory. |
:argadd *.h
And all *.h files. |
Optional: Display the current arglist. |
:argdo %s/pattern/replace/ge | update
Search and replace in all files in arglist. |
A similar procedure can perform the same operation on all wanted files in the current directory, and in all subdirectories (or in any specified tree of directories):
:arg **/*.cpp
All *.cpp files in and below current directory. |
:argadd **/*.h
And all *.h files. |
As above, use :arg to list files, or :argdo to change.
In the above, a forward slash was used in **/*.cpp
. That works on all systems (Unix and Windows). If wanted, a backslash can be used on Windows systems.
Replacing current wordEdit
A common requirement is to replace the word under the cursor in a number of files. Rather than automating the process, it is best to use Vim's procedures. For example:
:arg *.cpp
All *.cpp files in directory. |
:argadd *.h
And all *.h files. |
… | Move cursor to word that is to be replaced. |
Search for that exact word. |
:argdo %s//replace/ge | update
Search and replace in all files in arglist. |
In the above substitute command:
- The search pattern is empty, so the last search is used.
Type your replacement text instead of
. If the text is similar to the current word press Ctrl-R then Ctrl-W to insert that word into the command line, then change it.
Alternatively, you might try the following user command or mapping.
" Search for current word and replace with given text for files in arglist. function! Replace(bang, replace) let flag = 'ge' if !a:bang let flag .= 'c' endif let search = '\<' . escape(expand('<cword>'), '/\.*$^~[') . '\>' let replace = escape(a:replace, '/\&~') execute 'argdo %s/' . search . '/' . replace . '/' . flag endfunction command! -nargs=1 -bang Replace :call Replace(<bang>0, <q-args>) nnoremap <Leader>r :call Replace(0, input('Replace '.expand('<cword>').' with: '))<CR>
For example:
:arg *.c
All *.c files in current directory. |
:set hidden
Allow switching away from a changed buffer without saving. |
:set autowriteall
Or, use this for automatic saving (instead of :set hidden ).
… | Move cursor to word that is to be replaced. |
:Replace whatever
Search and replace in all files in arglist; confirm each change. |
:Replace! whatever
Same, but do not confirm each change. |
Write all changed files (not needed if used :set autowriteall ).
Instead of the :Replace
command, you could use the mapping. Move the cursor to the word that is to be replaced and press \r
(backslash, assuming the default Leader key, then r
In the function, any special characters in the search word are escaped for generality, although that is unlikely to be needed since a word will not contain special characters. If the cursor is on the word old_text
, the search pattern will be \<old_text\>
so that only instances of the whole word are found.
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